The AIM receives a lot of mail, either from members and supporters, or individuals looking for help with a campaign or providing us with information on one, as well as from various news feeds and newsletters that help us keep up to date with the many campaigns and causes we try and support. To be perfectly honest it can get more than a little depressing, so it was a great moment for us when we received the below newsletter from Care2. If you are not familiar with them then please check them out as you will see from the below that our actions DO make a difference.
Whatever it is that you are passionate about, it should help you to know of the successes of our actions. This may one day be just what you need to encourage you to carry on and keep fighting. And we all need you to keep fighting! Thank you for all that you do.
Newsletter 14 August 2010:
Care2 members continue to amaze us with their dedication. Your actions help make this world a better place. Here are a few recent examples of what you have helped accomplish.
Gray Wolves Return To Endangered Species List
We are happy to announce gray wolves in the Northern Rockies will once again be protected. After being denied protection under the Endangered Species Act several months ago, animal activists sprang into action. Over 30,000 members signed the Care2 and Defenders of Wildlife petitions to restore protection.
Prop 8 Ruled Unconstitutional
On August 4, Federal Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled that Proposition 8 -- the ban on gay marriage in California -- is unconstitutional. Walker ruled to overturn the gay marriage ban because it violated both the Equal Protection Clause and the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution. Thank the Plaintiffs of the Prop 8 Trial.
Catalonia, Spain Bans Bullfighting
Last month, Parliament passed a ban on bullfighting, making Catalonia the first major region of Spain to outlaw the old Spanish tradition. The ban will take effect January 01, 2012. More than 35,000 of you added your name to the petition on Care2, sponsored by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA). Read more.
Senate Passes Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act
The U.S. Senate recently passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. More than 6,000 members signed the Feeding America petition on Care2 to help provide millions of low-income children with nutritious food they need. The bill provides an additional $4.5 billion over 10 years to federal child nutrition programs including school lunches.
Wall Street Reform
Wednesday, July 21, President Obama signed the Wall Street Reform bill into law, just days after it passed Senate. The President praised the historic bill -- intended to protect tax-payers -- with a promise to eliminate taxpayer-funded bailouts of failed banks. Thank you to all 8,000 Care2 members who signed to petition. Read more.
One Care2 Member's Program Saved Thousands of Dogs
KACPAW is a program in Sri Lanka dedicated to helping dogs. Throughout the program's existence, KACPAW has helped more than 4,500 dogs -- promoting spay, neutering and rabies awareness while finding homes for over 3,500 strays. We are so happy Care2 member Champa was kind enough to share this story with all of us. Read more.
CLEAR Act To Protect Gulf Wildlife
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act -- designed to protect the habitat of sea turtles and other wildlife threatened by the Gulf oil spill. Better safety standards will be enforced to help avoid future disasters. Continue helping Gulf wildlife at risk.
Thanks for sharing this! I think it is really important to spread positive news too and to know that small actions taken by lots of people really can make a differance